

英語のTOEFL Writing practice



某A⚪︎osで習うWriting templateの一部です。もっとWritingで使える表現を丸暗記してどんどん会話できるように練習しなきゃです。とにかく、英語はモチベ上げてやり続けることが大事なので、地道になんだかんだ続けていけるよう環境を整えます。GWは生活習慣を整えて、ガンガン勉強します。


(Standard version)

The main point made in the reading passage is that ~ A

However, the professor argues that ~B


First, the reading says that~C

On the other hand, the speaker states in his lecture that ~D

This contradicts what the passage indicates.


Second, the passage mentions that~E

However, the lecture claims that~F

, which the author of te reading might not have predicted.


Third, the reading states that ~G

By contrast, the lecture says that~H

This is another part that contradicts what the reading says.


Therefore the main points made by the professor in the lecture cast dobt on the points made in the reading passage.


(Advanced version)

THe primary position that is taken in the reading passage is that ~A

On the other hand, in the lecture, the professor argues that~B

First in the reading passages, the author states that~C
However, in the lecture, it is argued that~D

THis is in contradiction to what is indicated in the reading passage.


It is also mentioned in the passage that~E

Yet, in the lecture, the professor takes the position that~F

....and this is an important point that was not considered by the author of the reading passage.


In addition, the cuthor of the reading argues that~G

In comparison, in the lecture, the professor claims that~H

This is yet another example of how the professor and the author of the reading passage contradict one another.


In conclusion, the main arguments put forth by the professor in the lecture make the claims of the author of the reading passage more doubtful.